Sunday, October 17, 2004

Tsunami takes root

CNN/Gallup/USAToday: Bush 52% Kerry 44%. This 8 point swing at this point in the election is huge. This race will resemble Australia. John Kerry has been weighed, measured and scrutinized and has been found wanting.

Friday, October 15, 2004

Looming Tsunami

Here we go...Zogby rolling poll of LVs gives Bush a 4 point lead. This will turn into a torrent. That type of spread this late shows that the rumors of Kerry as a finisher are indeed correct. He's finished.....more to follow....

Reading the leaves

The polls are now reflecting the gentle, but unmistakable sign of a Bush trend. The feckless sophomoric campaign of John Kerry enters the final act. Our intrepid antagonist has mortally wounded himself in poetic fashion. He has enjoyed a political life disparaging others with affected eloquence, now he fades by thrusting at children. He earned a silver star by shooting a fleeing boy in the back, now he earns the permanent sobriquet "former presidential candidate" by shooting himself in the foot.

Our troops are now engaged in Fallujuh, the final stand of the insurgency. I'm confident the terrorist's back will be broken here once and for all. Once elections are held in January a huge piece of Bush's brilliant global strategy will come to fruition.

Thursday, October 14, 2004


My thoughts on last night's debates are being confirmed by a wide population of blogs and reviews. As I publish here Drudge is breaking with a Kerry camp. 66 page operational directive calling for baseless charges of voter intimidation. The litigation trick of sewing the appearance of controversy to better accompany a cascade of baseless civil complaints is common. The thinking is, if you poison the environment enough the ensuing vacuous complaints will make it into court without being dismissed out of hand. Please note, there is no care on the part of plaintiffs to actually argue these cases on the merits, just to keep the appearance of impropriety in the headlines. Doesn't this argue for a litigation bill of rights where attorneys can be sued for malpractice if their cases are found to be straw-dogs?

Again, security will carry the day on November 2.

Also, I learned some political wisdom about debating over this last series. I'm on record for believing Bush lost the first debate. But some old wiser hands stated that Bush really won. How to reconcile the these opposites? Despite a contemporaneous swell of opinion arguing against excessive optimism, my interlocutor's point has come to fruition. These sage prognosticators observed that while Bush committed no gaffes, Kerry committed a huge mistake when he articulated a "global test" governing United States' use of military power. Specifically, they stated that this latter mistake would be the only memorable line from the whole first debate two weeks out. The are right. Kerry's "global test" has been infused into the debate on the most salient issue in this election: national security!

Wednesday, October 13, 2004

Post Debates

Well, Bush let Kerry back into the race with that horrid 1st performance. His second two performances have been good and I sense that he stopped any move on Kerry's part. MSM is unanimous in their prediction that the race will be very close. My gut tells me that Australia may be sound precedent here. My understanding is that down under the media also predicted a super tight race. It wasn't. 2002 mid terms MSM incessantly advanced history's judgment that no mid-term President ever gains. They were predicting how many Bush would lose in the Senate and House. Bush took over the Senate and gained in the house. As it stands now I predict a convincing win for Bush on November 2, 2004. As of this moment I believe FL and WI are in the bag. Bush will nail down OH this week. Security conquers all.