Sunday, November 05, 2006

Predictions: GOP keeps it all!!!!!

I have consumed the polls and have listened to the pundits. The intangible is turnout. My intuition tells me that its very easy to sit at home receive a phone call and state that you want change, or you hate the President. What’s a little more difficult is actually translating passivity into action. You have to drag yourself to the polling booth after all and the vaunted generation x’s or y’ers never seem to make it. Who are these polling firms polling? Stay at home folks with no cell phones and caller IDs? I admit that I am influenced, nay, predisposed, to lean toward the optimistic slant for the GOP. But my intuition is not rooted in a fantasist’s dream of looming utopias. I take the world as it is and see how it can best conform to first principles. I believe most people are the same.

The GOP voter is a little more serious individual than is the Democrat. A clash of civilizations is at hand and this underlying motivation with the mechanism of Rove’s get out the vote skills will keep both houses under GOP control.

As I write the GOP generics have pulled within 6%, and even Chafee in RI is now up by 1%, and Burns has caught Tester in MT. These should all be blow outs for the Ds…but they are not. Democrats are celebrating too soon and the Press is fanning the flames of this premature gala.


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