Sunday, May 07, 2006

MN 6th: to the GOP

From the Powetrine blog: MN's 6th congressional district looks very good for the GOP....The boys speculate that it was seen as a must win for Ds to carry the house. Working hypothisis is this: generic polls do not amount to squat, and are trumped by attractive candidates with conservative positions on hot buttun issues. Because in our war on terror, you see.... voting for Democrates will get you KILLED!

"The Democrats detest Michele Bachmann, partly because they have never beaten her. She will out-work and out-organize any opponent. The 6th is a Republican district, and if Michele runs as a traditional Republican, emphasizing her conservative stands on the issues that national Republicans have fumbled over the last couple of years--spending and immigration--I expect her to crush Patty Wetterling (or possibly Elwyn Tinklenberg, a former Mayor) in November.

The 6th District race exemplifies the task that confronts the Democrats: they are doing well in the polls, but that means nothing unless specific Democratic candidates perform well in specific races. Whether the Democrats can translate voter dissatisfaction with the Republicans' national leadership into victories in the key campaigns very much remains to be seen." HT: Powerline.


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