Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Toon Tirade: Fades

Well its time to toot my own horn. I may have been spot on with my take on the Toon Tirades. Many like Bill Kristol seem to agree that the cartoon catharsis is overblown. Also, we see that the axis of evil is really behind its recrudescence.

ultimately, I agree with the Hugh Hewitt take....that is the recognition that this incident occurs in the midst of a war. We must think strategically about theses matters and not allow relationships to be forged through straw men being set up and knocked down. Of course free speech is a value that we can never let slip.."as if in a dream". But self restraint keeps the our enemies shooting at a very small target. They certainly must be desperate to try this stunt. Look how amateurish it was...that is to take pictures easily identified from innocuous sources from the web.


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