Monday, December 26, 2005

Epiphany with Grolsh

I have returned.  And what brings me back to my familiar haunt is another quip about the pretense of journalism.  For so long we have labored under the presumption that our ostensive betters had some interesting, nay, cogent point to make regarding some current event.  More and more I witness that once their opinions are actually challenged by those knowledgeable in the particular matter, these “insights” dissolve into the ether whence they came.   Case and point is the current debate over POTUS’s authorizations to wire tap purported enemies of the state.  I have certain philosophical positions on this matter that lend support to the President’s actions.  But, the press seems clueless.  They are apparently wholly unaware of history, basic constitutional doctrines, or the inanity of denying to the chief executive the power to defend the nation.  

I have heretofore given the press the benefit of the doubt.  I’ve considered that their lack of perspicacity on certain issues is due to ignorance exclusively.  After all, a journalism degree is an empty designation.  But the jaw-dropping ease with which the arguments of pack journalists are destroyed has caused me to reassess my charity.  I mean, come on, you really have to be an acolyte of advocacy journalism to proffer an argument as devoid of analysis as those pathetic examples featured over the past few days on Power line blog.

More importantly, does this represent the quality of analysis that has been produced by journalists throughout our history?  Is this the type of palaver that caused us to retreat from Vietnam?  Is this the type of unchallenged idiocy that has midwifed socialist policies on the USA?  Does the left at bottom depend on the ignorance of the public to win its political battles?  I think so.  And this is why the blogesphere represents such a threat to the left.  Since the enlightenment, no social policies they have advocated have proved to be a success.  They are all miserable failures.  Now, we can let everyone know!!!


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