Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Majority frustration, Growing resolve

There are two takes on the current spate of issues, more specifically, the manner of their presentation, that has me frustrated. What I see is the Democrat’s on the attack. Bolton, Iraq, Gitmo, etc... I do take solace in the thought that the D's are in the process of creating the GOP 06 add campaign though. But there comes a time when President Bush must summarize the leftist’s position as anti-American and anti-religion, with considerable measure being anti-Christianity. We need to force the left, to include interest groups like the ACLU, to defend their anti-American positions throughout the entire spectrum of policy.

Benefit of the doubt is given to those advocating positions on first impression. However we now see the results of statism, new deal consolidation and welfare nanny state. Conservatives have our history with the lefts policy wreckages through out our history the world to point to and persuade people good-faith, of the incoherence of setting policy based of intellectual fads. Fashion is for cloths not foundational principles. It makes as much sense to change into your "summer principles" as to teach children that “Heather has two Mommies".

The big picture must be set...That is where this site is going.


At October 14, 2006 at 4:05 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Get Over It

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