Tuesday, June 14, 2005

A Forward leaning Conservative Manifesto

The rationale underlying the collection of positions and arguments that together form the conservative approach to the political ethos is simply that the approach, dissection and solution to the problems that arise naturally from our common ontology, are based squarely on our human nature. The natural source of our dilemmas in turn frame two critical corollaries. First, solutions are not found in faddish rationalizations or beguiling bromides, but in the constitution of our nature. As such the answers conservatives propose to dilemmas in relevant policy areas are more likely to resolve, or at least squarely address, the problems faced. Second, our recognition of nature's bequest engenders humility in the face of eternal tensions, and perhaps most importantly, restraint in the estimation of our sway.

This is the principle of application that distinguishes true conservatism from all other intellectual orientations. At bottom it is a persuasion for adults not placard laden tattooed children.

So Sayth Spelunker


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