Sunday, January 01, 2006

Omnipresent National Security

Literally, the security “dimension” of national security is an elastic term that can describe those vital interests that our nation depends on to perpetuate our way of life. It does not follow that Art. II powers are enhanced by mere generalizations, that is not the point here. What is at issue is developing a theme or platform akin to the 1990s "contract with America" that has as its centerpiece a dedication to secure our future. The summoning words of the Constitution’s preamble come to mind with its reference to securing the blessings of liberty for us and our posterity.

Education policy IS national security. Succeeding generations must be able, not just to compete, but defeat our economic competitors. Instilling children with a sense of American exceptionalism provides a sense of purpose and critical thinking. What is exceptional about America is its prioritization of reason. It is reason that controls government and government that controls the passions. These ideas must be wrestled with and learned.

Economic policy IS national security. Appropriate tax and trade policies which complemnt and support our dedication to reason and property must be advanced. Flat tax, free trade, tight illegal immigration, but generous legal immigration are all reasonable policy measures. Particularly, with regard to the latter, an English only language requirement encourages assimilation. This is just common sense.

The requirements for a society, and ultimately a government, with the capacity to secure our rights, is on balance more important than a simple enumeratiotion of rights. The Federalist papers, woefully addressed in our schools, teaches the subtle but ever so important approach to mixing a government with the power to defend us collectively, with the mechanisms that protect us individually. ACLU types and other diaphanous moral exhibitionalists have no intellectual moderation on theses points. And moderation is key, Goldwater notwithstanding.

National security is the theme for 2006 and 2008, and there is no evidence that the Dems are aware how quickly the American people are becoming aware of the need for vigorous government rather that political maneuvering. Bring it on!!!!!


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