Friday, July 28, 2006

Proud Of the West

Bush and Blair made me quite proud today. It seems as if they truly are acting upon the strategic vision laid down by the President through successive NSC Strategic Defense Initiatives. You can simply not analyze the current global security condition without understanding the key point: We are in a war with a death cult ideology that is masquerading as the Islam religion. B&B are consistent in seeing opportunity in the overreach of our foe. Wretchard has provided a key analytic contribution by noting that terrorist should never seek to hold territory as a military objective. Yet this is what they are left doing...and getting soundly thrashed. They reality on the ground will drive the political winds. There is no Arab Street, at least since the 6-day war, and there will never be one again. If anything the Arabs are the easiest to predict.

The looming 11-2006 election season will display the advantages B&B’s strategic approach has for the GOP. I am convinced that the American left cannot come to grips with Bush’s key strategic insight, because they are just soooo much smarter then the President. Thus they, and all their really smart friends, will not be able to provide a coherent or efficacious alternative to Bush. In fact their criticisms can lack any argument because it can be assumed that they have really good reasons: the kind that Joe 6 pack, who cares only for his family’s safety, couldn’t begin to fathom. Its Bush’s Fault!!!! Alas it’s not so easy because the current state of affairs is not the result of Bush’s proximate aggressive policies; rather it is the result of the terrorists believing that they might prevail with a tried and tested method that has garnered consistent rewards against a limp wristed diplomatic approach. The very diplomatic heavy approach adverted to by the left over and over again.

In sum, terrorist [T] merely undertakes some violent action against Israel and when the IDF finally responds in force, T simply screams for the inhumanity of their plight and a suspiciously sympathetic world community runs to T’s aid. T then is provided with a “buffer”, some aid, and obeisance showing the sincerity good intentions of their benefactors. T the uses this hiatus to rebuild and retool and enjoy the vast PR advantage they have over Israel. But in a post 9-11 world this re-tooling phase can provide T with extraordinarily powerful weapons. And as the current situation shows, T can obtain and conceal such weapons until the minute they choose to use them. This is an unacceptable risk in post 9-11 WMD world. A strategic assessment understands that a hostile state power may deliver, or rather is highly likely to deliver, WMD into the hands of such undeterable proxies. The US will face this situation if we fail to defeat this enemy now. The left can show no leadership in this regard because it cannot grasp the simple strategic vision that the President has understood 1 minute post 9-11. The elections in 2006 will be fought on the competing visions of how to prevail in the WOT, and frankly the Democrats look weak! Because they lack urgency, nay, lack the will to come to grips that we are in a war. Never forget electing Democrats will GET YOU KILLED!


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