Tuesday, August 29, 2006

The Iran factor

So it has come to pass. We face another exercise in self-government looming in the not to distant future. This time a confluence of factors make it impossible to analyze this election as run of the mill standard faire. We are at war. I believe that the current unease detected in the polls reflects an anxious populace just now confronting the realization that we are at war with an Islamic fascist enemy embodied by Iran. As the campaigns move into high gear we cannot lose sight of the contemporaneous event now winding through the UN: the confrontation with Iran over WMD.

There, the global community will finally bring concrete measures against Iran for its obstinacy on nuclear weapons development over the last 5 years. No one seriously believes that, spurred by diplomacy, Iran, will suddenly undergo an epiphany and say, “oh, your right…never mind”. With respect to our mid-terms, this means that all the implications of a nuclear Iran can and will be laid before the world and American people. Sort of like a two month long issue ad for the GOP. All the implications of a weaponized Islamic fascist community, with every inference and extrapolation, will be set before the American people in November. I can see no more advantageous context in which the Republicans could dream of running an election.

“It’s the War Stupid”. Consider this: The Ds leadership is on record as supporting cut and run from Iraq, against NSA operations, against Guantanomo Bay, in a word, against every aggressive war time measure to effectively prosecute the war on terror. And that’s just it. The GOP can hammer this basic point: Are we at war or not? To answer in the negative leaves the impression of childish fantasist. Even worse, a remarkably obtuse and dangerous childish fantasist not willing to heed the Islamic fascists own words when they say they are at war with western civilization.

The GOP, in the body of the President, must herald “We are at war, and who can you trust to protect you more”. Consider the natural coalescing around the Commander in Chief as he begins the War Drums against Iran. Also, consider the strategic advantage that Iraq and Afghanistan will serve as launch sites for heavy bombardment of Iran. These incursions will seem brilliantly prescient from the perspective of D-Day Iran. After all, Bush knew America might very well have to go to war against Iran so he had the forethought to place US forces in the most advantageous posture, but still give diplomacy every chance it deserved. And you can bet that the American people will see it that way too. All this will be undisputed as the Ds can only advance their Lamont appeasement candidates. There track record has been to oppose everything. They predicted doom with the first sandstorm on the road to Baghdad in 2003. How will the Ds respond when the issue is “how will you prosecute war against Iran?” Bush’s brilliant strategic thinking has unfolded from the single un-rebutted assumption, nay, conclusion: We are at War. The GOP has to close the deal with America. We have to say in unwavering words: Voting for Democrats will get you Killed!!!!


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