Monday, May 29, 2006


One of the boilerplate criticisms from the academic left against it foes, is that this “other” stands against the Enlightenment. This sobriquet “enlightenment” is normally juxtaposed to the “the dark age” as if the former is a recrudescence of human faculties and sensibilities. The currency of the left’s adage then imputes clouded or deluded thinking upon its foes. But like the “dark ages” the term “enlightenment” is a serious misnomer: The product of political public relations or branding with little evidence to support its reputed import.

This author rejects the general themes of the enlightenment as promoting irrationality rather than perspicacity. The whole of nature is transformed into the product of Mans ratiocinative processes…the psychologization of causation. We are only now recovering from this two century old delusion.

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Mountain MaMa for the GOP!!

Well I'm off to Florida to lay the groundwork for some voter suppression 6 months out of the mid-terms. My GOP instincts have received some further confirmation upon reading the WV match-up between KKK Byrd and Morgantown multimillionaire businessman John Raese. I almost forgot this one.

Sunday, May 07, 2006

MN 6th: to the GOP

From the Powetrine blog: MN's 6th congressional district looks very good for the GOP....The boys speculate that it was seen as a must win for Ds to carry the house. Working hypothisis is this: generic polls do not amount to squat, and are trumped by attractive candidates with conservative positions on hot buttun issues. Because in our war on terror, you see.... voting for Democrates will get you KILLED!

"The Democrats detest Michele Bachmann, partly because they have never beaten her. She will out-work and out-organize any opponent. The 6th is a Republican district, and if Michele runs as a traditional Republican, emphasizing her conservative stands on the issues that national Republicans have fumbled over the last couple of years--spending and immigration--I expect her to crush Patty Wetterling (or possibly Elwyn Tinklenberg, a former Mayor) in November.

The 6th District race exemplifies the task that confronts the Democrats: they are doing well in the polls, but that means nothing unless specific Democratic candidates perform well in specific races. Whether the Democrats can translate voter dissatisfaction with the Republicans' national leadership into victories in the key campaigns very much remains to be seen." HT: Powerline.

Parade of Generics

Again the WP of the MSM trot out the generic polls and Drudge, mockingly, I might add, runs a banner on the Ds plans for House take over. This is really beginning to remind me of the underestimating of GWB in every election he has been associated with on the national stage. There is no empirical evidence to support a takeover. Primary returns show a much more active GOP base. That's actual primary returns, not inferences from a generic poll. Santurom will win comfortably in Pennsylvania and this will be the beginning of the end for the Democratic party.

I promise to run down the House line ups ASAP.

Saturday, May 06, 2006

Electing Democrats will get you killed!!!!

Now that we have moved into the political season only 6 months out from mid-terms it is a good time to review the issues at stake in this upcoming election: War, immigration, judiciary, low taxes, economy. Every one favors the GOP. In estimating the favorable election environment for the GOP you cannot get sidetracked with the “buzz” or distortion created by MSM. In my experience people only really start looking seriously at voting 3 months out of a general and you must be branded by then. The MSM is once again peddling a tired old story of how Bush’s polls are in the tank, and how the generic vote favors Democrats over the GOP. Yet, none of this amounts to one vote.

Now after the primaries the GOP looks very strong in the head to head match-ups. The bell weather Santorum v. Casey now looks like a toss up, with Santorum having all the momentum. As the match ups have now crystallized the major variable is the issues and how they will play to the advantage of either party. In this most crucial respect, the GOP wins hands down. How the GOP is positioned regarding the issues is handled well by Hugh Hewitt .

In fact, anticipating the Democrats’ position on most of the foregoing issues is fool-hardy. On those issues where it can be nailed down, their position is a loser. Immigration for instance: the D’s position is something akin to a dreamy open boarders position. This is the natural corollary to a position where the America's right to sovereignty is openly questioned! Witness the immigration marches and how their underlying theme was to take back the southwest by illegal invasion!!! In this parallel universe, Americans do not deserve to exercise sovereignty because we are bad people…or something like this. In fact the collection of Democrat talking points on any given issue is but a mere corollary of an amorphous left wing inclination against reason manifest in politics itself. This is viewed when any serious issue for policy is discussed, where a decision must be made to effect a practical purpose….like win a war. When serious people discuss alternatives, there you’ll find the not so serious moral exhibitionalists countering with missives akin to “why is the sky blue”…in this mid-term election dreamy child like questions, in the absence of real policy alternatives, will not sell to a hard-nosed, though sympathetic, American electorate. Because, you see ,Electing Democrats will get you killed!!!!

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

GOP Predictions +2 Senate; Keep House

The forecasters state that the GOP is in for a battering. I now have seen these augurings for the last decade and always see a further GOP consolidation. Generic polls show Democrats in the lead as the party favored to lead the congress. That is generic, not actual. When you actually survey the race by race face to face prospects, a different story emerges. Gerrymandering will stop the house from changing hands. And as I see the senate, it looks like the GOP will pick up a couple.

People know that electing Democrats will get them killed. It’s that simple.