white house press
" But the hallmark of the Washington Press corp these days is mediocrity, groupthink, a lack of curiosity and rampant careerism. These attributes were all on show in the shooting party incident. But this is just a trivial incident -- except for the poor, shot gentleman who suffered a heart attack, may he recover fully and quickly." I couldnt say it better myself...so I got it from Tony Blankley RCP-blog.
Toon Tirade: Fades
Well its time to toot my own horn. I may have been spot on with my take on the Toon Tirades. Many like Bill Kristol seem to agree that the cartoon catharsis is overblown. Also, we see that the axis of evil is really behind its recrudescence.
ultimately, I agree with the Hugh Hewitt take....that is the recognition that this incident occurs in the midst of a war. We must think strategically about theses matters and not allow relationships to be forged through straw men being set up and knocked down. Of course free speech is a value that we can never let slip.."as if in a dream". But self restraint keeps the our enemies shooting at a very small target. They certainly must be desperate to try this stunt. Look how amateurish it was...that is to take pictures easily identified from innocuous sources from the web.
Relax with the over-analysis
It seems as if opinions over the great cartoon catharsis are trying to attribute its salience to the current war on the terror and Iran’s nuclear issue. There is no doubt that the broad framework of fanatical Islamic aggression does lend itself to this interpretation. But I think that otherwise circumspect bloggers like Wretchard give too much value to the supposed repercussions or impact of this episode. Perusing some of the news on this topic it seems as if certain Danish Imams did engage in a demagogic PR campaign to whip up whatever anti-western sentiment they could muster. But it is a far cry from these facts to then state that one contender in a global struggle may have tipped its hand too early! What we have here, in my humble opinion, is Islamists having become accustomed to the supplicant Danes, throwing a hissy-fit over the Danes reasonable support for free speech. The Islamo-facist [IF] have heretofore been successful in overcoming any sense of nationalism by Danes in class rooms and other venues why not free press? Add to this, we have the drama of the Syrian state apparently facilitating if not actively fomenting the burning of the Danish embassy. I sympathize with that part of Wretchard’s analysis stating that the IF gambit has not as of this moment played in their favor. Iran has been sent to the UNSC and Syria is now held responsible by the US. But these facts show the fragmented and unstrategic nature of the cartoon row, not a premature launch of a global strategy. To his credit, Wretchard does admit that historical analogies to the appeasement strategy of pre-WWII are not a perfect fit. These caveats notwithstanding, we must not attribute a salience to issues they do not have.