Sunday, May 29, 2005


Just a quick thought on the rapprochement between the US and India. This has been a quite realignment. But, according to credible press accounts, the Indians are thrilled with the promise a renaissance in bilateral relations will bring. For one thing, India expects top of the line military equipment, and some other technology transfer. Our benefit is enormous. We revive the classic encircle maneuver of the cold-war containment around China. More on this to come.....

On the theoretical level, there should never be one approach to foreign policy. The umbrella of realism must contain the options of idealism and practicality. This appears to be the Bush approach.

Viva le France

The French exercise self-government. And I'm not talking about class president of l'Ecole Polytechnique class of 2005. Real frenchies casting real votes against liberal statism.

Saturday, May 28, 2005

Back to Europe

Yes, good o'l Europe has been a favorite punching bag for me, but today news comes that they likely will reject the EU constitution. That the French people would have the honors of this deed is poetic justice in the extreme. Seldom does life provide such a crucible through which a protagonist reaps his comeuppance, maybe Greek tragedy. This is sweet to savor. But, hearken to Germany where Heir Shroder, he of great anti-Americanism will also reap is just deserts. A pro-American woman will be elected there. The chattering classes say she is the model of Lady Thathcher. Oh, what sweet victory. The unfaltering stances most effete Europe took versus the Iraq war, and the utter irresponsibility they have regarding there own security and well-being are finally breaking through the haze of their blinking "group-think".