Euro Right?
What has to be investigated and published is movement or rumored accounts of a European right. They seem to be wholly non-existent. There is some news, however, from powerline, mostly referencing a nascent blogospere. The entrenched nature of the EU left makes the USA left's hold on institutions seem tame. An assault on the central policies forming the cornerstone of leftist redistributionist approaches seems best. This frontal assault at the root of the beast, combined with withering criticism of the elite press and politician's bias can begin the battle for the heart and soul of Europe.
Anatomy of a conquest
Ebullience reigns. I surpassed my predictions by significant amounts on all measures. My prospects for U of C have brightened further.
Return of the King
Well its about 1 hr before bed time and I have the fatefull GRE "on the morrow". I predict 760 verbal, 4.5 A, 640 Math. Thereafter, I can concentrate on my Ph.D. area of study and restart blogging.
Just read powerline, where it is mentioned that Posner and Becker at U of C just started their blog. I'll use this site to complement my Biological-Psychological-Philosophy continuium emphasis. I'll also like to address National Security issues, and of course politics.