Tuesday, September 21, 2004

All things Iraq

Well, woke to a fusillade of main stream media [MSM] praising Kerry's belated "focus" on Iraq. Given the incessant change in Kerry's positions its difficult to see myself delivering any encomiums to this effect. In short, Kerry's positions are incoherent, and the manner of their assertion a demonstration of weakness. They serve as an invitation for terrorist to attack. Nothing in Kerry's history supports the notion that he would be able to sustain a strategic and global war against Islamic fascism. This bloger is titanically pro Iraq war, for strategic reasons to be discussed later, and for the approbation of Bush's unwillingness to risk the delivery of WMDs on America.

Monday, September 20, 2004

Maiden post

Just initiating the learning curve here. Finding places to write and descant on all topics great and small. No doubt politics will consume my time as flaccid thinking lumbers noisily on the left.

Dan Rather's demise looms ever larger on the political horizon, a harbinger of the mighty changes to come in "news". Bush seems more secure for reelection with each coming day as the old modes of campaigning fade under the unceasing tempo of information dissemination. The Dems. blink like babe's in the woods not keeping apace of the revolution exploding all around them. Allies in the media no longer able to feign ignorance; Oliphant's nose bleed high threshold for "credible evidence" a transparent hilarity.

Good times......